Monday, March 10, 2025

2025 OneThing #12 - Contact Missionary and Prep for MM (Missions Minute)

I don't like making phone calls very much and so I tend to procrastinate. Sometimes I'm not even good about contacting people via email! But this week, I decided to make it my One Thing goal so I would stop avoiding it. 

I emailed the person I had been meaning to contact for almost a month. She got back to me right away. I now have a video clip to share in church on Sunday. Praise God! 

I still need to get the video onto a flash drive, because someone else will be showing it. But the first time I downloaded it and saved it, it was upside down and had no sound. I ran out of time and so will try again today.

I'm blogging on Monday instead of Sunday because I don't feel as though I'm "done" with last week's thing . . . though I technically just wrote that I wanted to "contact" her. Done. Our missions committee meeting is tomorrow, so I'll pull together the last pieces of prep today.

On to a new goal! And a picture, just because I like pictures. Though I don't remember where I got this one . . . and I usually like to attribute my sources. God's grace - I need it today and always.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

OneThing #11 - February Summary

It was a fast and busy month. I didn't get into my studio as often to look at my calendar, read the Scripture, and think about my time. I missed the more peaceful pace of January. It is a bit of a lesson to me - take time to think, pray, and be in God's presence. I need to not always be a busy bee!


I've already blogged about these things on a weekly basis, but on reflection I am pleased that my mood / tone / perspective is one of awareness of my need to be quiet and still sometimes. 

Weeks one and three probably felt the most fulfilling, but besides my "One Thing" each week, I was subbing, watching my grandsons, helping my sister, sewing at RaDon, etc.

My verse for this month was Isaiah 26:3-4. "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD Himself, is the Rock Eternal." 

I'm going to continue to use my whiteboard and plan One Thing each week to focus on and pray about. God is so good!

2025 OneThing #10 - Research and Act

 I wrote down four things, but the goal was to make progress.

Trusses - I contacted two different companies to get bids. Then I followed up with the full pole barn plans and a request for supply bids. We talked with Nick and shared his contact info. I hope to make a decision (with Louie, Nick, and Mike) and hire one of the two this next week!

Lou - I didn't really do anything because I haven't talked with Joyce yet. I'm not interested in spending a lot of time and energy on something that may be completely ignored. Viv is trying to contact a VA rep in Scott County. Joyce and Del have been in frequent communication and are talking about options. I hope / plan to call Joyce today and see if she wants me to look into applying for elderly waiver and / or for a spot for Lou at a VA home. I also plan to go visit Lou this afternoon.

Water softener - I spent some time looking at reviews and prices to buy a new one, but I also looked through the GE info booklet and talked to Louie. This water softener should NOT be leaking resin beads after only being in use for three years! The warranty said the resin tank is covered for ten years. Louie is willing to contact GE this week to pursue a replacement resin tank.

RaDon office manager - Sue Kennedy stopped by last week and is very interested in the job. I strongly encouraged her to call Don and talk with him. I need to not take on the burden of hiring someone to replace Lynn. But I do want to help.

This was progress. Except for my father-in-law, I did some looking into topics and communicated and DID stuff to move forward. 


I didn't really have any photos this week, but since I love pics I'll add one anyhow. This is Joshua and his friend Locke at yesterday's rescheduled birthday party. The piƱata finally was smacked into oblivion. The kids seemed to enjoy it, but it was much sturdier than I anticipated. Louie and Morgan hung it up in the garage and put a heater on. Then they laid a clean tarp down for "catching" all the treats.