Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ice cream machine rental

As I was clearing out more old scraps of paper, I had to blog about this one before chucking it. In May 2014, I rented a soft serve ice cream machine and bought the soft serve mix. It cost $250, but was so worth it! I got it for Alex's college graduation party (along with a keg of root beer) and we all had fun making root beer floats! It was a wonderful party with lots of friends. It was sad, too, as my mom died soon after. In any case, seeing the receipt made me smile. We had a lot of fun, even though it was an unnecessary expense. Louie thought I was going overboard, but I'd do it again!

CaterRent Food Service Equipment Rental and Sales
260 24th Avenue North
Mpls MN 55411

1 comment:

Ice Cream Equipment said...

A delicate serve frozen yogurt machine is gear that beats , solidifies and administers delicate serve dessert, yogurt, and gelato. This gadget gives you a chance to get ready a lot of delicate serve frozen yogurt inside a brief time frame.