Sunday, January 26, 2025

2025 OneThing #4 - Pack Away 2024 Cards, Letters, and Notes

I purposely picked an "easy" task for this week since I knew I'd be on vacation through Thursday evening! This was indeed a quick task, but it gave me a "fresh slate" for 2025. I love snail mail and I enjoy looking through cards and letters. As I packed these away, I realized that I'm creating a different "to do" item that will be fairly time demanding . . . what will I do with all the cards, letters, notes, etc. that I've saved for the last five decades?!?!


Sadly, I've also got a box of my in-laws' cards and letters. I'm a bit sentimental (and a bit of an historian?) so I'll have to have a plan before I start tackling these boxes. I may scan some to save electronically . . . but I don't have to decide that right now. I did my One Thing for the week and it's on to a new week!

And now my wire basket where I put lovely mail is empty. Perhaps it will motivate me to send out some snail mail! I love to give and I love to receive. Many of my cards and letters from the past year were from my friend Kathy Kendall and my daughter-in-law Mari LaMoore. Seeing them gives me smiles and warm happiness. What a blessing to have kind, encouraging, delightful people in my life!


This shows my wire basket before I emptied it. The poem in the front is from my Christmas stocking. Mari chose it for me. I am so blessed!

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