Well, I was not successful this past week. In a way, it took me longer to "recover" from vacation than I anticipated - putting things away, catching up on things, doing laundry, etc. But I also realized that I didn't have to have the piñata finished before his actual birthday; I just need to finish it before his "kid" party. That gives me another week to do it.
I also learned that he decided on a Star Wars themed party, so I'll be making a tie fighter instead of a T-Rex. I'm so glad I had only been gathering materials! I bought candy and little toys to put in the piñata this week.
I looked at pictures of tie fighters in Star Wars books and snapped a pic at Target. (I wasn't thinking of spending nearly $100+ on a Lego set, but I may put some dollar bills in the pinata for Joshua to save toward buying a Lego set.)
I also blew up a balloon to be the main / middle part of the spacecraft. I won't make the side panels proportionally large and I want to attach them in a way that they can be knocked off by the little kids batting at it. (I think of the eagle I made for Lindsay and how the sturdy cardboard wings protected the body with all the goodies. The kids really had to bash that one up to get the treats.)
I've made a LOT of piñatas in the past, but not for a long time. I'm looking forward to bringing this to Joshua's party. Six years old. I love that kid!
I've gathered photos of the different piñatas in an envelope (which I shared with Morgan and Angela when I asked them if they wanted me to make one). I'm thinking it might be neat to scan the pics and post them as part of a blog entry. I love that Morgan said, "I forgot how many of these you had made!" He also told me he thought that Grandma Betty had been the one making them. Memory is a funny thing!
Although I love having a "One Thing" to focus on each week, I'm glad I made progress on this project and have another week to bring it to fruition.
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