Wednesday, February 12, 2025

2025 OneThing #7 - Prep for Birthday Parties

I'm blogging this on Wednesday instead of Sunday because . . . life. It has been a very full last week and I'm playing catch-up today on a lot of things!

When I set a goal about being prepared for parties, it was about more than just Joshua's piñata. Since his "kid" party was set for Saturday morning, I needed to have that done. But we had planned for the Somers extended family party on Sunday afternoon, so I needed to do some cleaning and food prep (and make sure I had something for each of the birthday folks).

Alas! I got a call Saturday morning that Joshua had a fever and his party would have to be rescheduled. The piñata is ready for whenever that event happens. I wish it had turned out better . . . but since he's not had a piñata from me before, I hope he doesn't realize how poorly it turned out. (This tie fighter looks like JarJar Binks tried his best . . . but failed miserably.) I think Joshua and his friends will just have fun bashing it and getting the goodies.

I have decided to make a separate entry just about my piñatas over the years. They've been pretty fun!

I managed to get the house clean enough. Louie helped me on Sunday after church to take care of the last few things. I really do love having a clean home, I just don't love cleaning! It's looking pretty good and I'll try to keep it this way. (But not with a card table with gifts on it . . . that was just for Sunday afternoon.)

On to the next thing on my "catch up" list . . . and back on track to blog on Sunday.

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