Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Motivational Notecards

I was going through a clipped together bunch of notecards to pick a new face-forward one when I realized that a lot of these don't "speak" to me anymore. They were all meaningful at one point in time, so I decided to scan, blog, and recycle. (I still have a few dozen clipped together at my desk.)

One that was in pencil and wouldn't scan well says, "Goals are Dreams with Deadlines." I disliked writing "SMART" goals for professional purposes. It felt artificial. This quotation caught my attention, though. I like the concept.

Fight the Control Freak: 
Slow down
Reduce anxiety (have faith)
Give up "if onlys"
Defer to others
Count your blessings
Value people
Be neither pushy nor pushover
Know circle of influence
Do one thing at a time
Learn to be led

Great Leaders Exhibit:
High Expectations (no mediocrity)

Provide values and purpose
Unleash and develop skills
Create team power
Keep the accent on the positive

The Seattle Pike Place Fish Market!
Make Their Day
Be There
Choose Your Attitude

CAVE People
You can't change C(itizens) A(gainst) V(irtually) E(verything) People!

I can.

I have many, many more, but these were quick and easy to weed out.