Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Things I'd Be Okay Never Hearing Again . . .

"How do!" (How am I supposed to answer that? Is it short for "How do you do?" I strongly dislike this greeting.)

"And so on down the line." (I wouldn't mind this one so much if it were not used in EVERY single conversation! Sometimes several times in a single conversation. It just gets old after three plus years.)

"Good morning!" (At 5 a.m., my eyes are barely open. Greeting me this way in a LOUD voice, especially after I've specifically requested that it not happen . . . this is why I try to avoid the upper level of my house until after I've had a few cups of coffee.)

"Whatever you want to get rid of." (It's good food. I don't want to "get rid" of any of it. I'm asking your preference for a flavor. Find a better way to indicate that you have no preference.)

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