Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Okay, this is about more than just tiaras . . . I'm getting rid of another scrap of paper, but it has a story attached. This may be my legacy - random stories about random scraps of paper in my life.

Approximately a decade ago, I went to this Theatrical Costume Company to buy a deerstalker (Sherlock Holmes style hat) for my nephew Luke. His birthday is in early December and this is something he really wanted. As the clerk went into the back storage area to find the hat, I waited in the front and looked at the display case of tiaras.

War began.
"Ooh! That's beautiful!"
"No. I'm just here to get Luke's birthday present."
"I've wanted a tiara for a long time."
"No. Christmas is coming up and I'll be spending plenty of money. Now is not the time to buy something for myself."
"I rarely ever buy something for myself. I really want that tiara."
And so the war waged on . . . and by the time the clerk returned with the deerstalker, I "had" to have the tiara.

Sometimes these stories end up with a "that was dumb. It's just a thing. It wasn't worth the money." HOWEVER, in this case, I can say that I really enjoy my tiara. I wear it a few times a year and always love how beautiful I feel when I wear it. In fact, I should probably wear it more often! It's lovely and I'm really glad that I treated myself to it.

This website is *not* well-designed or maintained, however I included the link since it has the pertinent info. The company is still in business and is still the source of the nicest tiaras I've seen for under $100. (I was appalled when I shopped with Louise at Crafts Direct . . . the high prices and less beautiful tiaras made me a firm fan of Theatrical Costume Company.) Besides, theater and costumes are a huge part of my life.

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