Thursday, May 2, 2019

My Mother-in-Law Rocked!

My mother-in-law, Betty LaMoore, loved her family so much! And she especially loved all her grandchildren. I didn't fully appreciate all she did for us, but I hope I expressed enough thankfulness so that she knew her efforts were noticed.

One cool thing she did was sew. She sewed sleeper PJs for the kiddos. She sewed a really amazing shirt that I *think* I have a photo of somewhere . . . I'll update this entry if/when I find it. She took a basic sweatshirt, sewed fabric on it to look like a road, and then stitched some cars onto it. Here are the cars:

Yep. Actual toy cars. So very cool for my boys!

I honestly don't remember which boy was the recipient of this super-excellent sweatshirt. Offhand, I'd guess Alex. He was my biggest motorhead as a pre-teen.

In any case, the care that went into making fun things like this was typical for Betty. She loved to bring joy to her family.

I hope I can do cool grandma things for the next generation!

I found it! I was sorting through photos and found this one:

This is the sweatshirt that Grandma Betty made. So incredibly cool for my boy! (Again, I *think* it was Alex . . . he was my biggest motor head.)

And now my grandson Joshua loves cars, trucks, wheels . . . I don't think I'm ready to make him a custom sweatshirt, though.


Oh! (Adding this on 3.26.23 . . . after the initial post of 5.2.19) She also made a lot of Zubaz-style pants. Alex loved wearing those as a little guy! They were like sweatpants but cooler. He had a pair that was like zebra (black and white zigzaggy stripes) that he wore out!


She made neck gaiters out of fleece for all of us. I recently made a pattern off mine and made one for my sister-in-law Viv. I love my family!

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