Sunday, April 21, 2024

Studio Post #16 - Queen Size Quilt Top for Our Bed

Nothing momentous this week, but I (and my sister Louise) both pressed fabric yesterday. (The pieces I had laundered last week, mostly from the "Free" table at Minnesota Quilters.)

I pieced together enough fabric for a backing.

I'll finish basting together the batting either tonight or tomorrow evening. (I thought about buying a big enough piece, but decided to make do with what I have here at home.)

Tuesday, I'll head to my friend Rose's house to start quilting it! I hope to come up with a quilting plan before then.

I wasn't going to bother with a photo, but then I decided it would be helpful for me to have one to plan out my quilting.


This is the Go With the FLW (Frank Lloyd Wright) challenge that I started in 2017. It has turned out to be a bit bizarre - both in the color scheme and in the design I ended up making. Ah, well. It's for our bed at home and I'll like cuddling under it. Louie humors me.


It's bigger than the open space in our house and I didn't want to lay it outside on the grass. It measures 98" wide x 106" long. I took the photo on the side but them rotated it to how it will lay on the bed. This perspective distorted the overall look.

Also, in writing this, I realize I need to come up with a name for this quilt. I'll add that to the To-Do list. This is the design Mike created. At some point, I decided I didn't care for it . . . and went off on my own crazy-train!

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