Sunday, March 19, 2023

Declutter #12 - baby steps?

 It was another underwhelming week for getting rid of stuff. I tried, but had a busier than anticipated week. A quick summary of bits and pieces:

  • pencils - I grabbed out some of my extras to put in my teaching bag. I like being able to supply them to students so they don't have to make a trip to their lockers. I subbed three half days last week, so I shared a lot of pencils.
  • markers - Joshua and I were decorating the inside of a refrigerator box and I ended up going through my entire marker bin to test and toss the ones that were no longer juicy enough for art.
  • I finally dropped off the box of toiletries to the Peace Center in New Prague! They graciously accepted it all, even the old hotel soaps . . . makes me want to go buy some of the good stuff that they really need!
  • two boxes of clothes. This isn't technically a declutter, since a friend GAVE me the two boxes. But I finally tried on all the shirts and only kept the ones I truly wanted. (It's fun to have some cute new clothes for free!) The rest went to her sister-in-law today.
  • I used up some of the really old rhubarb from the freezer to make a crumble. It tastes pretty good!
  • I used up some of my fleece scraps to make two neck gaiters for my sister-in-law Viv. They'll probably end up being used next winter, but they're made! (One is double-thick reversible and one is single layer shaped. I have a drawstring for it, but need to get the little plastic toggle.) I'll bring these to her in a few weeks when we head up for Easter dinner!


I feel as though there were a few other things I was going to blog about, but I'm getting tired. Perhaps I'll be a bit more successful at getting rid of things this next week.

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