Saturday, July 4, 2020

Vacation 1999 Memories

While doing some more decluttering of my house, I was able to recycle lots of pamphlets and miscellaneous papers from a trip we took to the West Coast in 1999 with all five of us and Louie's mom and dad. I didn't realize I had saved *all* the handouts . . . and still have photos, memories, journal entries, etc. to revisit that trip. However, in with all the "junk mail" of the trip were some pieces of paper.

There's a LOT of driving involved in going from Minnesota to California and back. We read books, played car games, and found other ways to entertain ourselves. But we played one game that I wanted to record here (from those random pieces of paper). Someone would suggest a theme and then we cast each person in the car into a role. Some of these I don't remember / understand, but most of them I do! Just putting this here for posterity and giggles. I've typed the info as it was hand-written on the sheets of paper (which are now in the recycle bin).

Seven Dwarves
Doc - Grandma Betty
Sleepy - Grandpa Lou
Sneezy - Morgan
Bashful - Louie
Dopey - Nick
Grumpy - Jeanne
Happy - Alex

Toy Story
Little Bo Peep - Jeanne
R.C. - Alex
Buzz Lightyear - Grandma
Rex - Morgan
Woody - Louie
Slink - Nick
Mr. Potato Head - Grandpa

??? (A video game? I should ask the boys)
Flik - Morgan
Old Queen - Grandma
Praying Mantis - Alex
Gypsy Moth - Jeanne
Potato Bug - Nick
Dim - Grandpa
Ladybug - Louie

Star Wars (I don't remember which one this is from. . . .)
Anakin - Nick
Obi Wan - Alex
Qui Gon Jinn - Louie
Jar Jar Binks - Morgan
Queen Amidala - Grandma
Padme - Jeanne
Mace Windu - Grandpa

Star Wars: A New Hope
Luke - Morgan
Han - Louie
Leia - Jeanne
Chewie - Alex
R2D2 - Nick
Obi Wan - Grandpa
C3PO - Grandma

Alice In Wonderland
White Rabbit - Nick
Alice - Grandma
Queen of Hearts - Jeanne
Cheshire Cat - Alex
Tortoise - Grandpa
Mad Hatter - Morgan
King of Hearts - Louie

Candy Bars
Snickers - Nick
Crunch - Morgan
100 Grand - Jeanne
Twix - Alex
Reese's PB Cups - Louie
3 Musketeers (soft middle) - Grandpa
Dove bar - Grandma

Beanie Babies
Radar - Nick
Princess Dye - Grandma
Hiss - Alex
Nanook - Morgan
Flip - Jeanne
Canyon - Louie
Legs - Grandpa

I remember the laughing and discussing, but not the details of how these titles came to be . . . though now I want to Google the Beanies to see what they are. Fun times!

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