Thursday, September 21, 2023

Declutter #32 - A Teeny Piece of "Marie Kondo" Method

I didn't get rid of much last week, but I'm trying to keep moving forward. When we were up at the lake, I needed to organize our drawer of cooking utensils. The "dividers" had gotten moved and everything was in a mess. I took everything out and then started to put things back in based on how we actually used them. Then I asked Louie which things he wanted to put back in and what we could get rid of.


These three items (yes, only three) are in the donation box. I know that if/when we combine our two homes into one, many more things will go! But for now, we function out of two locations and try to keep both stocked. I thought about buying some drawer dividers on Amazon, but am going to try some creative "use what we have" options to keep order.



I wore these capris . . . and decided that although they fit and are comfortable, I really don't like them. (This is where Marie comes in.) I have other capris and shorts that I like much better. There's nothing really wrong with these, I just don't want them. I always consider waiting to donate summer things at the start of the next season rather than at the end (and ditto with winter) . . . but once I've decided to get rid of stuff, I just need it to go away! My apologies to the donation places where I take my things. I just can't see hanging on to these for the next 7+ months just so I can donate them at a more seasonally appropriate time! Also, I got these and another similar pair at Costco. For several years, they were my favorites! But now I have ones that fit better - some from Costco and some from Jenifer's closet cleanout. I am so blessed!

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