Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Declutter #38 - More Lake Stuff

Instead of posting this "early" (my target is Sunday evenings), I'm posting this late! (Tuesday, October 31.) I have a lot of things on my plan for today, but with a little pocket of time before I have to head out the door, I'm trying to get some things done that have been on my "to do" lists. Blogging is more fun than vacuuming.

When we were at the lake over a week ago, I cleared out a cupboard to do a sort and organize. I do not like or use can "coozies" (or whatever you call them), but my husband does like them. Fine. We had a half dozen in the cupboard and he was willing to let these two go.

The others are back in the cupboard, tucked in back. I'm fine with that. Any time he is willing to let go of things, I rejoice!

I also found this thing:


It's for putting over food outdoors in the summer so the hornets / bees / wasps don't get all over it. I forgot I had it! We could have made use of it earlier when the bugs were buzzing our food on a lovely outdoor day. But as I tried to open it up to look like this, the corners kept coming out of the metal arms. It was a pain to get it open and functional! No thank you. I forgot I had it, it's not super easy to use . . . it can go away. 

If / when we build a retirement home at the lake, we hope to put on a three season porch out front. That way, on buggy days, we can have the outdoor experience with protection!

There were other things I said goodbye to recently that I haven't blogged about. One was something I had purchased for myself several years ago because it made me laugh. I gave that to a friend who was also amused by it. The other was a cool prize I had won. It was something I would have enjoyed using, but I knew someone else who had a greater need for it. I want to be a blessing!

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