Thursday, August 1, 2024

2024 Studio Post #25 - Quick Carry Bag

I threw this together in about twenty minutes before going to camp with Akina. I had intended to make a whole bunch of them for the kids, but that didn't happen this year.

I have lots of horse blanket fabric scraps from my nice boss. I got a book on bag-making from the library. I just hadn't taken the time to figure out how to make what I wanted. So before going to camp, I threw this together! It's big enough for a pillow, blanket, etc. I want to make them deeper than this one and use stronger straps / reinforce them.

But as a prototype, I'm happy with it!


I took measurements so I can plan out the next one better, but I am wading through piles of papers so may need to come back and add info later.



Titus likes to hang out by me, but this isn't  a very good scale picture. He's much bigger than the bag!


 This post was intended for July 21, 2024 but I'm posting it on August 1. Trying to get caught up on lots of stuff today!

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