Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2023 Declutter #1 - Brooches and Pins

This is minor, but it's a start! I haven't worn brooches or pins for a long, long, long time. I decided to keep the top three (far right in this pic . . . ). The books pin is with my quilting stuff. If I ever make an "all about Jeanne" quilt, books will be a key part of it. The two dragonfly pins will go to Strawberry Lake and be added to a small wall hanging I have there. I love dragonflies! They eat other bugs and they look cool.

All the rest of these pins will go to the next MQ meeting for the "free" table. The ones that don't get taken will be put with my Goodwill stuff. Why I've held on to them for the past few decades . . . no idea. I'm not sure how many of them I've used since the 1990s. Seriously!

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