Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2023 Declutter #2 - books

I thought I'd do a post a week about this topic, but I'm on a roll today! I've done at least two book "mini-purges" before, but I realized that I've intended to bring some Christian / inspirational books with me to a Minnesota Quilters meeting for a while. We meet at the same location as The Recovery Church, which has a shelf that's like a Little Free Library. Well, I have plenty of books just sitting around! Donation time at this week's meetings . . . 


As I looked through these books, I kind of wanted to re-read the Ortberg one . . . but I have so many books on my shelf! I hope and pray these will bless someone else. 


I have a few (many) books for my daily devotions time. As I finish them, I will donate them. Progress means moving forward . . .

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