Sunday, January 8, 2023

2023 Declutter #3 - Morgan's art work

As I was looking for something else in my room, I saw a cardboard portfolio that had "Morgan's art work" on it. I hadn't looked through it in a long, long, long time and I knew it was time to say goodbye to it. I felt kind of bad about bringing something I'm getting rid of to someone else's house, but . . . Morgan just laughed and said, "I'm proud of you, Mom." He's so sweet! 


I told him and Angela that I thought it would be a fun trip down memory lane (for him) and an insight into her husband (for her). I didn't care if they recycled, tossed, did a burn . . . but I didn't want to house them any more. I looked through and was surprised at what I had saved! From preschool through at least middle school, I kept dozens of pieces of his work. Here are two I snapped pics of:




Yep. From Christmas THIRTY-TWO years ago! Alex was almost a year old, so this must have been from Morgan's old preschool before we moved to Jordan.

  Morgan created the magic dream bunny story. In ninth grade, he used the story as his children's book. I hope he still has it! This was on a giant piece of paper (at least 2'x3' . . . ) and sounds like a kindergarten or first grade thing.
There were also a few really cool architectural-type drawings from when he was older. I had to resist the urge to capture everything digitally! Even my digital world is pretty cluttered. But I'm making progress. . . and I love my kids and their creativity, kindness, intelligence, humor, . . .

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