Friday, April 14, 2023

Declutter #16 - State of Mind

I grew up in a packrat family. I even wrote an article about it that was published! (Don't ask me where it is right now . . . I have too much clutter.) Recently, a friend sent me a comic that made me laugh. Louie didn't think it was so funny, but I think it's hilarious! (If your browser doesn't show the whole comic, try clicking on it. Leave a comment if you can't view it and I can change the entry.)

Any time I've offered to help Louie with sorting and organizing in the garage, he reminds me that I should deal with my own stuff. So true! It would be a lot easier for me to get rid of HIS stuff than my own!

A different comic that I had posted on the wall in my office speaks more deeply to the "save everything JUST IN CASE" mentality that I grew up with.

Again, I think this is incredibly funny. "Always . . . keep . . . everything!!" That could be my family of origin mantra!

To be fair, I prefer to donate useful items rather than chucking things into the landfill. I'm getting even more passionate about not buying things in the first place if I can do without!

So I really wanted to include my article. It was in a box of stuff to be sorted. But I put my fingers onto it within a minute of opening the box. Fun to re-read this! It was published in the January 2003 issue of Library Media Connection. Over twenty years ago!

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