Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Raisin Sauce

 This will be a small portion of my "decluttering" blog entries, but I wanted to give this its own entry.

My mother-in-law was a very good cook and a wonderful baker. One of her traditions was a raisin sauce at Easter time. I actually like raisins okay, but just by themselves. Raisins in cookies? No thank you! Raisins in a sauce to put onto lovely salty ham? Absolutely not!

After she died, my father-in-law lived with us for four and a half years. I tried making raisin sauce for him. I couldn't find my mother-in-law's recipe, so I found one online and made it. I could tell that it wasn't to his liking, so I threw the rest away and didn't try again.

Here we are, almost six years after he moved out, and my sister-in-law gave me boxes of my in-laws' stuff. The recipe box is taking me a while to go through . . . but this weekend, I came across the recipe for raisin sauce! I don't anticipate ever making it. I decided not to give it to Lou's current wife. (She has her own raisin sauce recipe and probably wouldn't appreciate having access to Betty's.)

I had to include it here, just in case. You never know about these things! Plus, I love to see her handwriting. I miss her even after ten years.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

I absolutely love this, Jeanne! Thank you for sharing. And I love seeing Mom’s handwriting, too. I often pull out some recipe cards just to look at her handwriting. I miss her so much.
Love you!