Sunday, January 28, 2024


More than a few times lately, I've thought about blogging something and then checked myself. Just because it has been helpful and motivating to me to blog about getting rid of stuff doesn't mean I have to blog about every darn thing!

I'm finally evaluating the why and the future worth. Sometimes "hanging on to stuff," even electronically, is helpful. The archives can be searched and the info can be found. (I've looked up my own entry on breaking my wrist as a child and the corresponding hospital bill several times!)


Sometimes it is a bit of history . . . when I went through my father-in-law's yearbooks, I only took photos of the pages that included him. But boy oh boy! There was a treasure trove of a teen's life in the 1940s! I almost wanted to keep it but am so glad that his high school has those yearbooks. They're more relevant there than here.

Sometimes I pause to think "will I need this information in the future?" This morning (1.28.24), I have the note about the St. Paul Winter Carnival Jigsaw Puzzle Contest. The date I registered us, the amount paid, etc. I have a file folder for the contest. I could chuck this slip of paper in there. Does it matter? I haven't kept meticulous records of all the years we've competed (over the last 20ish years). 

So . . . keeping track and blogging has been a helpful tool, but I don't need to track and quantify everything!

Louie and I have started doing some exercising in the morning. Nothing major, just trying to develop healthier habits. I have an alarm go off M-F after coffee and before showers. It feels good to do SOMETHING, and as I was tempted to start tracking WHAT I did and how many pounds, reps, seconds, etc., I decided I just didn't want to. Later, I may get serious about it and tracking can help with a fitness plan. But for now, I am choosing to not add that thing (tracking workouts) to my day.

There are so many things that I do out of habit or compulsion. I need to be more mindful about what matters!

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