Monday, January 1, 2024

Declutter #47 - Last One for 2023! Appliance and Stuff

In a perfect world, this would be entry #52 - one for each week of 2023. But we don't live in a perfect world and I'm just so excited about making progress. I'm also excited that the process of blogging about this topic has motivated me to continue to get rid of excess stuff! I have a long way yet to go . . . before we sell this house and move. But I'm getting there! I'm also excited about focusing on sewing and other craft projects in 2024!

Here's what happened this past week. I was on a step stool looking for something in the cabinet above the fridge. There was a box with a toaster-type appliance in it. I asked Louie and he thought it was the box for our toaster oven on the counter. Nope. There was another appliance in the box! The label on it indicates that it belonged to my Uncle Cyril who died in 2009. Into the donation box it goes!

I also just chucked my blogging reminder sheet into the recycle bin. Get rid of unnecessary papers!


I emptied out my games cupboard and only put back the things I genuinely want to keep right now. I have a bunch of games on the pool table to check with my "kids" when they're here next Saturday to see if they want any. But the excess will be donated. This also gave me extra space to put some of the "little kid" games and puzzles from upstairs into this cabinet. Joshua is enjoying games more and more.

There are some other things that have traveled to garbage, recycling, and donation, but I'm too excited to move forward to dig around figuring them all out or taking more photos. 


I have a huge box with bows for gifts that I need to figure out . . . what to keep and what to donate. I rarely use bows. It's a work in progress!

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